O May I join the choir invisible
Of those immortal dead who live again
In minds made better by their presence: live
In pulses stirr’d to generosity,
In deeds of daring rectitude, in scorn
For miserable aims that end with self,
In thoughts sublime that pierce the night like stars,
And with their mild persistence urge man’s search
To vaster issues.
George Eliot :: 'The Choir Invisible'
a link if you'd like to read the poem from beginning to end ~ it's worth reading ... I especially like the last part)
Today marks the annual
Day of the Dead celebration, where those who have passed are enticed to come back and visit by those left behind. It's one of my favorite things about the Mexican culture.
On one of our walking treks the last time my husband and I went to Puerto Vallarta, outside of the touristy section we discovered an art gallery that had incredible pieces celebrating this tradition. Jason was enamored with a particular piece and after returning home, I contacted the gallery and had something shipped back to the states.
I had it framed and gave it to him for Christmas. I can easily say this was the most thought out and well received (he was thrilled!) gift I have ever given him. I know he still loves and appreciates it.
The artist did an intricate carving, used it to stamp these incredibly sliver-thin pieces of bark with the image and then hand painted the print. We now have an amazing piece of folk art with vacation memories attached to it.
I finished my monthly sock challenge socks ~ the final toe was kitchenered while waiting for trick-or-treaters last night. Hooray ~ I feel a huge sense of accomplishment since I've met my goal for two months in a row! I also was lucky enough to receive an email from
Liesl @ Buckaloo View this morning letting me know I had won her first drawing...a $25 etsy gift certificate. I will be shopping for hand dyed sock yarn this weekend :) (thanks so much, Liesl!!). If you've purchased yarn on etsy in the past and have a favorite, let me know!
I broke my very first knitting needle making these socks. I'm actually surprised I haven't broken these toothpick sized sticks before and I've decided to invest in a metal pair of dp's just for sock knitting. Anyone have any suggestions? Do you have a favorite set? I'd love any thoughts (pro & con) on any manufacturers you've tried before I make up my mind.
Luckily, the socks I've chosen to knit for November are worsted weight and use heavier needles. If I manage to snap a US6 double-point when knitting these, I'll know I need to learn to knit just a little looser!
Hope this weekend finds everyone well and relaxing with family and friends. My husband decided it's his turn to cook and has spaghetti sauce brewing in the crock pot ~ I'm a very lucky girl!