31 October 2015

Don't Let This Happen To You ~ post from Kelli

Zombie Knitting, do you ever feel this way? You just keep knitting and knitting and knitting and get nowhere. 

            Happy Halloween!!!

27 October 2015

23 October 2015

soaring - posted by Melissa

"Soar, eat ether, see what has never been seen; depart, be lost,
But climb.” 

-Edna St. Vincent Millay (Wine From These Grapes)

This man floats by my house on occasion, flying with the eagles.
I wish I was fearless.  I would love to experience this.

- Melissa

21 October 2015

Not a Knitting Post - by Melissa

Nothing to do with crafting but....

In Seahawk news - if you are one of the many people who took what TMZ said as fact minutes after Fred Jackson's car accident yesterday...

Preliminary report last night from the Renton Police Department:
(most importantly - note in the last paragraph - TMZ reports are false per the police)

Which was followed up today by the final report on the matter:

It's amazing to me how instantaneously things can be skewed and distorted, nationally broadcast as such and taken as fact by all who read.  One of our football players had an accident.  He's okay, in case anyone is wondering.

Off my soapbox.  Carry on.



(Edited to add: if you'd like to read something that Fred Jackson wrote and learn a little about him, as well as his relationship with Marshawn Lynch, you might come away feeling a little (lot) differently about both of them. Role models or not, they are people with lives that matter.)
Link below:
'My Toughest Road Trip' - Fred Jackson (from The Players' Tribune)

20 October 2015

bliss - posted by Melissa

“Rivers know this: there is no hurry. We shall get there some day.”
- A. A. Milne, Winnie-the-Pooh

There is nothing quite so lovely as a knitted on edging.
Let's get reacquainted, old friend.


17 October 2015

I just might have the mojo back... - Melissa

“I'm so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers.”
- L. M. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables

Husky football, a belly full of hearty soup, a warm cup of coffee and a puddle of knitting (yes, girls and boys, KNITTING!) on my lap.

It's a good evening : )


16 October 2015

Make Your Own Story, Lace ~ by Kelli

My daughters know me so well ~ the oldest Kaileigh saved this from the garbage while working one day. Gave it to me for safe keeping...this morning I found the perfect home for it. 
Hand knitted, no idea who, or what pattern. All a grand mystery to come up with your own story ~

08 October 2015

DPN's Size 4-10's. Check!

Getting a few tools ready for a nice long knitting weekend ~ Woo Hoo!

02 October 2015

fog filled friday - posted by Melissa

Spent a misty, foggy day at the beach, walking the shoreline & breathing in the salty sea air.

It was a good day.

Have a great weekend, everybody.

- Melissa