Told you I'd be back :)
When life is out of control doesn't it make sense to push the envelope just a little bit more?
My husband's ongoing health saga has just reached the one year mark with no resolution and the sense of helplessness continues. So, as a means of feeling in control of something (anything), I've been gearing up to join Andi's group on Ravelry when they kick off a new knitalong tomorrow.
It runs September 1st through December 31st and the goal is to concentrate on those pesky wip's ('works in progress' for you nonknitters). Anyway, I put much thought into what my goals were for the remainder of 2014 and cast on everything that I have hopes of completing. Today is the final day to cast on and have your project be included in the knitalong (yes, there are prizes!).
I have gifts that need to be finished during the next few months :
Knitalong projects to be completed before the end of the year :
Some fun things for me that are realistic goals :
A few things that will either be finished or frogged - it's time :
And if I get all these things done, some long term projects I'd like to make a dent in :
Surprisingly, this gigantic task doesn't have the Virgo in me the least bit stressed. I have plans to tackle all these things and feel like I've accomplished something momentous. I need that right now.
Do you have piles of started projects that are nagging at the back of your brain? If you do, you should pop over to Andi's group and join us. It's a fun bunch and they'll cheer you along during the next couple months as you start emptying your baskets and bags of unfinished knits.
Hope to see you there!