What's that you ask? Yarn shops?~Oh yes. Leavenworth it self has a small one. Good yarns and a few beads. The cashier only looked up once as I purchased my hand-dyed Araucania,Ranco solid,olive shades wool, to agree I bought a beautiful yarn. So if looking for hositality don't shop there.
Cashmere Washington about 15 minutes away on the other hand has Cashmere Cottage! I was happily welcomed, and spent my time looking and chatting to Judith, the shop owner, while others came for her help, her grandaughter who didn't have preschool that day knitted and I think was wondering were's lunch? I purchased 2 hanks of Paca-Paints, #403 Mesa color,alpaca. Like I need more alpaca! She continued her kindness with a 10% discount!!! Highly recommend shopping/stopping by if you ever get a chance.
Cashmere Washington about 15 minutes away on the other hand has Cashmere Cottage! I was happily welcomed, and spent my time looking and chatting to Judith, the shop owner, while others came for her help, her grandaughter who didn't have preschool that day knitted and I think was wondering were's lunch? I purchased 2 hanks of Paca-Paints, #403 Mesa color,alpaca. Like I need more alpaca! She continued her kindness with a 10% discount!!! Highly recommend shopping/stopping by if you ever get a chance.

We'd watch Jane Austen movies along with whatever night time 'cop shows' were televised. Brought our favorite foods and enjoyed each others company. It was refreshing.
I'm glad you had a good time, Kelli. We missed you yesterday, though. What is that fluffy pink that you're knitting in the pic? (pattern and yarn, please!)
ReplyDeleteYes, what is that kmitting in the photo - looks lovely :-)
ReplyDeleteThe soon to be scarf (not sure how long I want?) in the picture, knitted out of Rowan Kidsilk, is the 'honeycomb' four row repeat pattern.40 cast ons. Size 4 needles. It's a great one because the front and back look the same. ~Thanks
ReplyDeleteWhat a coinkydink...I just saw this promotional ad for Leavenworth this morning. Definitely a side of Leavenworth I have NEVER seen:
Morgen ~ that is hilarious
ReplyDeletemade me want to get my Goomsba Up ....
what does that mean!?!?!
OH MY GOSH!!! A Leavenworth rap???
ReplyDeleteTo funny! When I show my husband he won't believe it either.
We were given the trip from my husbands boss, and I'll have to send him the link too.
We missed all the night time partying.
Also I'll send this link to my new friend from Germany and let her in on a good laugh.
Thanks for sending that along~
OMG, I had to post that link of my FB page. It is hilarious. I guess Leavenworth is looking for a new demographic of tourist.