28 January 2016

Stonecrop KAL~ by Kelli

Such a fun knit! Grateful to have a knit along. 
Can't wait to see them all!

26 January 2016

Finally Casting On! ~ Guest Blogger Sue

Finally getting around to casting on for my Stonecrop. I am using Brooklyn Tweed Loft in Soot. I love this yarn, having used it last year to knit Ludlow. It is nice and organic and tweedy, and I like the stitch definition. Softens up with blocking to a very pleasing knitted piece. 

I am so happy to be knitting lace again. I have always loved Jared's mix of lace with tweedy yarn. I really like working with charts, since it goes more quickly for me than written directions. I will definitely be making the longer version of this pattern. 

The only tip I have so far is that I am tying a knot in the tail of the provisional cast on yarn each time I complete a pattern repeat for the bottom border. Keeps me from having to write it down or count when I come back to it. Looking forward to seeing everyone's progress.  Thanks Melissa, for organizing everything!

24 January 2016

Let's Get Caught Up! ~ posted by Melissa

My Stonecrop!  Slowly making progress, although the knitting goes rather quickly when I actually find time to work on her.  It's a lovely intuitive pattern and I've loved every stitch...even the ones I've had to redo...hehe!  Mistakes are so easy to see and quick to fix if you don't get too far away from them before you notice (note to self...sneak a gander more often...mistakes do happen!!).

I'm making the longer version and my yarn is Brooklyn Tweed Loft in 'Hayloft'.  I was so unsure about this yarn when I wound it as it came apart pretty easily more than once, but the knitting, oh the knitting.  It has not broken once and I do love its rustic feel and tweediness.  I will use it again and try to be more gentle when caking it next time.

My project can be found here on Ravelry and I'll start getting some notes up soon.  My to-do list has gotten out of control these days and knitting 'chores' keep ending up on the bottom rung.

And now a bit of business.  There are eight of us knitting Stonecrop.  So far we've only heard from Will, Kelli and myself.  Here's a list of all knitalongers (is that a word...well now it is!) with their Ravelry handles if you'd like to find each other on our favorite knitting site:

Me (Melissa) - twoknitwit
Kelli - oneknitwit
Will - WillyG
Andrea - aksaxton
Sue - purl3
Olivia - thishandmadelife
Gemma - gemma
Jenny - jenniferaguilar

If I've forgotten anyone, please speak up and I'll add you to the list!  Don't forget, when I sent you the invite it gave you all blogging privileges...please drop in and say hi when you get a chance and share your progress and materials and photos...don't forget the photos!

Guess that's it for now.  Hope everyone is enjoying this Jared Flood pattern as much as I am.  And yes, Kelli, I know you've already finished and thank you for waiting to post for a bit so the newbies don't get frightened and decide not to play anymore : )

Happy Sunday, all!

22 January 2016

MISS KELLY~ from Kelli

I wish you could touch it... I was sent 2 unexpected patterns for free! As a continued support thank you! What's not to love~

21 January 2016

DID YOU SEE? A post from Kelli

It's finally here! The new lace weight yarn from Jared Flood~ PLAINS. Check out this beautiful, elegant and folk-like, strong, springy, soft, smooth, all American  made fiber.  I believe it's a limited supply, buy sooner then later. 

I was honored to test knit Quill with Plains this summer. Conversing back and forth, running out of yarn needed to complete, fortunately they had more in the same dye-lot. It was exciting, ever while knitting I was wanting to keep it, wondering if I was ready to hang up my "testing " needles? 

How is everyone doing with Stonecrop?

The worst kind of knitting mojo - by WillyG

Sometimes I rely on different motivators to give me a little encouragement. A week or so back I finished my first time through Dickens's A Tale of Two Cities. I had always been curious about the fiendish Madame Defarge, who is always ominously knitting. Now it's time to revisit the story using a movie version, and perhaps get a few rows done on my Stonecrop.  Heh.

Happy knitting.

12 January 2016

the best friends - posted by Melissa

Good morning! Thought I'd share this gorgeous (GORGEOUS!!) handspun, handwoven scarf that Jeff of '....and a few boys, too' made HIMSELF and gave to me when he and Will (the other boy of '....and a few boys, too') came to visit last June.
I am so lucky.
Here's a link to their post of our day if you'd like to revisit:
Here's a link to my post of our adventures:
I'll get some better pictures of this lovely neck warmer posted, as well as my Stonecrop, as soon as I edit them.  Can't wait to share!
Have a great day, everyone!

09 January 2016

Tickled.... I'd say ~ from Kelli

Going good, a fun addicting knit. I can't wait to see the fabric, which drives me to finish.

 You can glimpse my "pink" top down sweater blocking without sleeves, due to not sure I'm getting the sts. per inch I need. I did a swatch and got it, but after trying it on I panicked, it didn't seem right. But wet blocking is what is needed. 

Would love to see everyone's progress and yarns!

07 January 2016

good morning - posted by Melissa

Enjoying a cup of coffee with Kelli this morning : )
Post coming tomorrow with knitalong progress and a final list of participants so y'all can find each other on Ravelry.  Can't wait to see more progress photos from everyone!  Thanks, Will, for getting the guest blogging rolling.  Stunning work as always!!
More tomorrow!

04 January 2016

Getting started - by willyg

Happy New Year! I spent several hours of a quiet evening at home at the end of the year, mulling carefully over ideas for upcoming knitting in the new year. Perhaps I took it a bit too seriously, but that is one part of the process that I quite enjoy. For Stonecrop, I had three or four good options in stash that I was tossing about. In the end, I went with my first choice - Isager Strik Alpaca Merino 2 in a light blue. Like most everything else in stash, the original plan for the yarn had not come to fruition, so it was nice to find a good outlet for this yarn to get its wings. 

As midnight passed, kisses were exchanged, and a lovely peach apricot chardonnay was sipped to completion, I cast on using a crochet hook to execute the provisional portion. After a short bit of fighting with the decreases in fine yarn, I opted for the next needle size up in order to use some lace tips. I knit several repeats of the bottom border before we decided to call it a night, figuring the start on the smaller size needle will block out without drawing attention to itself. 

I decided to make the process easy by splurging on a magnetic chart keeper, and I feel pretty good about it. Following the chart is what bogged me down on Ludlow, and I have full confidence that I will make great headway with both projects. 


I'm loving the feel of the yarn and the lace, as well as the garter stitch. It's not as visually pleasing for lace, but I take comfort in the fact that the wearer will never have to fuss over turning the right side out before wearing it, and that it will have a bit of "body" or perhaps "squoosh."

That's all I've got for now... cheers, and happy knitting!

02 January 2016


Thanks Melissa! It was a bitter re-knit but better then if I'd have keep going.  So glad you caught that.  

It is a addictive fun knit ~

01 January 2016


Happy new year everyone!  So happy to see all you!  Love this time of year, so glad we're all together creating lace! 
My husband asked his yearly question as he went to bed after midnight "are you staying up all night to knit?"  ~ well not ALL night...

I'm using Spinning Wool 1, Isager, lace weight, doubled, in pink,US5