21 June 2014

Hello Universe... What was that you wanted? ~ A post by Kelli

         "How would it look, do you think, if everyone, old and young, would sit down together to knit for a while?  Laughter and merriment and riddles and questions and folktales and anecdotes from each person's life would blend together in stitches.  Then later, when you recall these events that have gone through your own fingers stitch by stitch, they would speak their own quiet language: Do you remember?  Do you remember?"                                
                                                             ~Hermanna Stengard

From the book, The Swedish Mitten Book by Inger & Ingrid Gottfridsson      
This is just one of the many heart soaring reads I've found searching through these books.   While at work a couple weeks ago, I wonderful lady came in the yarn shop while I was busy answering customers questions.  She dropped off a heavy medium sized box on the counter and she left.  I glanced her way questionably and yelled "Thank you".  Not knowing what I was thanking her for.
 Books!  knitting books!  It was like Christmas,  Knitting Without Tears, Zimmermann 1971, Latyian Mittens Lizabeth Upitis, 1981, Knitting in the Nordic Tradition, Vibeke Lind, (english translation, Annette Allen Jensen), 1984, Norwegian, Cornish guernseys, British Isles sweaters, the list goes on and on.

This is a serious collection of hardcore tradition (except the Knitted Animals) which helps lighten it up.  It is overwhelming when I look at them all at once, but when I grab one at a time it's a joy. 
This'll keep me busy for years.
                     OH! and happy summer!


  1. so when does the lending library open? :)

    1. sure, anytime...totally made to share~ so much amazing history, stories and pictures in these paper treasures.

  2. Every time I get a new knitting book I sign my name on the inside cover and the date I got it. I have high hopes that someday they will be passed on and maybe the new owner will put their name in it and date. You got yourself box of treasures!!!!

    1. Thanks Andee, I don't have a single one of them! I like your 'name inside book' idea might need to do that...it is good to pass them along, someday. The pervious owner must have wanted to or did create traditional sweaters.

  3. What a treasure box you've been given! It's hard to believe someone was just giving them away. I hope you will have fun dreaming your way through each book:)
    p.s. I came across your lovely blog via MSNSockyarnKAL, I'm so glad I did!

    1. Hi Leigh and welcome,

      So glad you found us ~ Probably a stupid question but are you on Ravelry?
      So much knitting to be done, such little time.
