10 November 2013

Joining the ranks of the awesome - by WillyG

No visible proof yet, but I finished the knitting on my Leaves of Grass tonight! Woot!

Now I gotta figure out a way to block this beast…

Edit: visible proof and a gratuitous kitty shot with a bit of the shawl in the corner

Jeff is such a fantastic model, no?

How could I resist?


  1. HOLY MOLEY!!!!!! I will block my Quill if you will block your Leaves and together we will be DONE!!!!!!!!!!


    1. WOOOT! I'm wondering if a PVC frame would be a good idea... it really looks like a saggy mess right now and needs more than to be laid out on the lawn, even if there wasn't a chicken and pesky neighborhood children to interfere

    2. you should just push Jeff over into the corner and decorate him for the holidays ~ he looks like a Christmas tree :)

  2. Wow, how many yards did that take? That's one cozy blanket, way to go.

  3. I think you should call Mr. Flood and ask him if you can use his studio to block it in. Wouldn't that be fantastic!

  4. I agree with Andee... it's the least Flood could do after your faithfulness to his pattern. It's magnificent.

    1. I asked him, but he hung up on me when he looked at it and told me I skipped a row in chart D. (By that point, screw perfection.)

  5. Amazing and Jeff wears it so well ! Congrats don't you feel like you finished a triathlon? Something I would never do, but I bet those triathloners would never knit LOG either.

  6. Wonderful Willy.
    Did you get it blocked and do you have any tips for blocking something so big? I had thought about using my trampoline, but then am not sure the pins will hold.

    1. I ended up using those interlocking exercise mats. We have two sets, so I made the biggest square I could by leaving the center empty, and it was just right.
