23 January 2010

Day 20, 21, 22, & 23

It seems like almost every day's pattern is my new favorite. Almost finished, I can't believe how fast this went. It's fun to have a little challenge trying to keep current with the group. I can't wait to block and wear this. This yarn has been so hard to photograph and these are the worst yet. I didn't use the flash because it was completely washing out the detail and here they look "dijon yellow". The finished scarf will be photographed much better, hopefully.


  1. WOW!~Looks great. Isn't it nice to have a group to keep us on task, and to encourage finishing. You're going to look beautiful in your new scarf. Can't wait to see it on you.

    Yes I did block mine. I had to work and missed all of you on thurs. Hopefully we'll both be able to wear our scarfs this thurs.

  2. Bravo! You should mount these scarves on a velvet/wool panel for your wall between wearing it. These are truly works of art.

  3. pardon me, ma'am, but do you have any Grey Poupon? ;)
