24 September 2013

Thank you to Melissa and Rachel...by guest blogger Tanna

Hi, my name is Tanna and I'm a long time stalker of Girls in Sheep Clothing... and a Few Boys, too.  I'm stopping by this morning to express a special thank you to both Melissa, for her wonderful pattern and her compassion, and Rachel, for being such an inspiration.

Rachel's Shawl and Rachel's story came at a perfect time to inspire my Pink Scarf Project and I am most grateful.   Links for further information about this wonderful project are on this post if you are interested. 

I always enjoy all the beautiful projects and inspiration I find from each of you here!  I'll look forward to all the inspiration to come!  Thank you all!

blessings ~ tanna


  1. thanks so much for taking the time to share your shawl and the link to your post and the cause that you are donating your amazing knitting to

    Rachel & I were chatting last night about the ripple effect being in full force...it is amazing!!

    thanks again, Tanna!

    1. LOVE the ripple. It is just amazing!!! blessings ~ tanna

  2. You have given us hope that we can overcome what seems insurmountable. The shawl is proof, and the color is perfect. Thank you for the link to your blog.

    1. Thank you, Penny. This whole "butterfly effect" is what amazes me most about blogging and Ravelry and any circle of like-minded women. The synergy is out of this world. blessings ~ tanna

  3. Amaz-lux-fabulous Rachel Shawl! WOW! Blessings to you Tanna~

    1. Thank you, sweet Kelli. blessings to you, too ~ tanna

  4. Melissa did a wonderful job!! and, thank you. blessings ~ tanna

  5. There are NO WORDS Tanna. Just awesome. AWESOME!
