02 January 2014

Fun Times, Ya Ya, Good Times...a post from Kelli

Andrea and I get to see and share once a week, at least, our progress~
 we asked another friend to take a picture of us
 and our Spires so far.  She focused in on us more then the knitting.
Thanks Elaine!

Andrea kept saying "oh got another row done" and I was messing up the
same section for about 2 hours. I can't seem to visit and knit this one.

We set our goals, Andrea wants hers done by Stitches end of February(where she's headed)
and I'd like mine done by Madrona, February 14th.

We'll see?


  1. I may have cast on by Valentine's day :)

  2. Kelli, did you get the 240 count at the end of the 1st time through Chart B? I have 236 and I have no idea how that happened. If I did something wrong, I did it evenly around. I counted every row before I went on. Hmmmmmmmmmm....

  3. Oh I am so jealous you can get together and knit! I still can't wait to cast on. I love the picture!

    1. I know, me too! I need to get myself a knitting group ;)

  4. Kelli and Andrea, I have no doubt that you will both reach your goals! I'm amazed that you are both so far on the second day of the KAL! I'm on row 11 of the first chart, ha! I should have magic looped it, because doing YO's at the edges of DPN's is not ideal for me...
