10 January 2014

spire 2014 - my progress so far ~ posted by guest blogger Andrea :)

This picture shows my current status.  This is as flat as I can get it laid out. I'm now knitting on 2 circular needles to eliminate some of the scrunching. I like to see a little better what I'm doing.  I've reached the middle of Chart B, repeat 3.  I am really in the rhythm of this pattern. I count all stitches in each quadrant before I move on and it has gotten a little difficult (100+ stitches in each quadrant).  I've now added, for my convenience, 2 additional markers - one after the 1st 16-stitch repeat and another after the 4th.  This way I can break down my count to more workable and visible numbers.  Knock on wood, I've had no mistakes to unknit or fix because of these additional markers.  It's all to eliminate headaches and frustrations.

I am in love with my yarn and this pattern.  However, I'm ready to move on to the next chart.  It won't be much longer.  I love this project.

Let's hear a little from some of the others out there.  I'm curious where everybody is and how it's going, particularly Kelli.  A little bird whispered to me and I want some verification.  Happy knitting everyone!


  1. I was so bummed that this was lost, Andrea that I've been trying to figure out how to retrieve it ~ I DID IT!!!

    are you happy? :))))

    1. Yes, very happy. While I was avoiding rewriting my post, I knit for 3 hrs. while watching Seahawks. Go team!

  2. You're not all waiting to post your FO's are you? Ha! (originally posted by Andrea & reposted by Melissa)

  3. I am getting close to being done with the second repeat of chart B but haven't worked on it at all this week (Alex's hats and going back to work after vacation was all I had time for).

    This weekend hopefully I'll be caught up to you ~ I'll try and get a photo in the next couple days...it's getting big!

    It looks great, Andrea ~ I'm glad you're enjoying it! (ps ~ thanks for the note about Thursday group :) ~ wonderful!)

  4. Yours is looking wonderful!!! I have had 1000 yards of yarn so far. Right now I have a 600 yard skein drying by the fire and I have one skein of 400 dry so I'm going to make a swatch this morning! I can't wait to get casted on
    (originally posted by Andee & reposted by Melissa)

  5. I'm actually on row 31 (of 44) of Chart C. Not too long to go until the endless border :)
