12 January 2014

Spinning and Knitting~ guest blogger Andee

I have spun about 1,000 yards of yarn and I have my Spire on my needles. I am a little further along than the picture above. The color is blending very nicely and I am very pleased with it. I am still working out in my head how I'm going to do the blending for the knitted on edging so I'm keeping 8 oz of roving unspun so I can work on those details as I go.
In the mean time I am loving the ease of this pattern and I'm enjoying how quickly it is knitting up, but like all things that start from the center I'm sure progress will start slowing soon.


  1. Wow Andee!. I didn't realize you were skipping and knitting this until I read this. This is AMAZ--ING! It looks beautiful.

  2. I'm so glad you're knitting now ~ it's been a long process already with lots of waiting :)

    are you going darker to lighter multiple times? or just dark in the middle and grading to lighter all the way to the end? I see more dark in your cakes but you've already moved on from that shade in your knitting so wondering what it will look like when it's finished?

  3. It's looking very pretty. You've done a lot just to get started. You'll be loving this project even more as you progress. Happy knitting. Can't wait to see the gradations as they appear.

  4. This is incredibly gorgeous! You are inspiring me to order my yarn and cast on!! No pun intended!! Ha ha!!

  5. Melissa yes it will get lighter and darker in strategic places. Hopefully I can get what is in my head in the actual knit. For some reason Blogger didn't think it was a good idea to let me reply to your comment, so I'm commenting down here.

  6. That looks amazing, Andee! I love it!

  7. beautiful spinning and a start to a great project!

  8. Great beginning and I imagine it can only be AMAZING when complete.

  9. Looks great. And I like MomMom and PopPop peeking in the corner of the picture :) Isn't that the best picture?!
