08 February 2013

Hitting My Stride - guest blogger Leanne

Well, a funny thing happens when you near the end of Chart C....You can't put this thing down!!!!!!

I will officially blame my sore shoulder, back knot and tired eyes to this glorious knit.

Chart D here I come!!!!!!!!!

Phone picture taken by my 8 year old

Hope everyone is safe and warm if you are in the path of this storm.
Nemo? Really???? Just keep swimming.....



  1. very cute picture...good job, 8yr old ;)

    isn't this knit fun?!? it's looking great!

  2. Yeah! I'm glad to see you are enjoying knitting it!

  3. Fantastic job to your 8yo. And I was just thinking the same thing. I had set it down, but am racing thru it now and almost done with C.

  4. You look happy with your knitting!!!

  5. I love how easy and quick the first few sections of this knit are! It is sooo addictive!

  6. You are too cute. Yeah to Chart D!

  7. yay! i'm so happy, on to chart d! it's looking beautiful!
