08 February 2013

homestretch ~ posted by Melissa

Hello, everyone!  Seems like it's been awhile, but life has been busy so this is the first chance I've had to show you how the knitting has been going.  While I pondered what my kal knit was going to become, I knit another sweater for Neoma.  This one is for this fall and winter so I made a larger size.  I love how squishy the garter stitch is ~ I think she'll look adorable and squishy, too, when she gets to wear it!  The pattern is Camilla Babe by Carrie Bostick Hoge, the yarn is Berroco Vintage in 'gingham' and my ravelry notes can be found here if you want to peek.
So, while I worked on Neoma's wardrobe, I decided (or maybe it decided) that indeed, my Leaves of Grass is going to become a table covering and that I wanted to bead the edging.  After a trip to Fusion Beads (incredible web store but we're lucky enough to have the retail shop in Seattle!), here's what's happening:
It's a little hard to see but the brown beads against the grayish brown yarn will really pop once she's blocked.  It took me a few hours to figure out where I wanted to place them, but I finally decided on 8 beads per chart...I've only done 13 chart repeats so far but I get more excited with every one.  I can't wait to get this off the needles and spread out in all her glory!

I'm loving seeing the occasional finished shawl/blanket/table cover posts as they pop up and I love the silence of everyone else because I imagine those of you who aren't done blissfully knitting away like I am, excited to share your progress and finished pieces soon.  Thanks for participating everyone ~ I'm really enjoying this ride with you all!  Have a great weekend and hopefully the east coaster readers and their families stay safe and warm the next few days during the blizzard.
~ Melissa
I just remembered Neoma's folks sent us a new picture of her so I thought I'd add it ~ she's 4 months old now and smiling (and still pretty darned adorable!).  If you're wondering, I did not knit her this cute little colorwork sweater, but I'm thinking maybe I ought to make her one! 


  1. What a great take on the pattern, Melissa. I picked mine back up after a brief stint of miten making and am back loving it.

    1. thanks, Heather ~ it's fun to come back to it after putting it in time out for a week!

      sounds like you need mittens back east this weekend!!

  2. Oh what a creative detail with the beads. That sweater looks so comfy!

    1. I decided I need a garter stitch sweater while I knit this one ~ maybe a lighter weight yarn, though, so I don't end up looking tooooo big, puffy and squishy
      hehe :)

  3. I love where you placed the beads!! Perfect!! The baby is such a sweetie!!!

    1. thanks, Karen! hope you're enjoying all the snow you're getting right now - part of me thinks you are but part of me is wondering if it's a little too much for even you?!

  4. Years from now when your great grands sit down for a family dinner and your cloth is covering the table they will be so overjoyed, as I know all who use it now will be too. Melissa, it really is an awesome knit and
    adding the beads just gives it that extra 'frosting'.

    1. thanks, Tracey ~ no kids so no grandkids but there is that goddaughter pictured above ;)

      I think there are some nieces that might fight over heirloom pieces (Kelli's daughters)...they LOVE handknits when she makes things for them!

  5. That darling little Neoma is spoiled rotten! I love it!!!

    I would have never thought to bead the border of this shawl/table covering, how clever of you ;) I am nearing the end of Chart D (1st repeat) and then I think I need a little break to work on something else, like some of the rest of the group is doing. It will be like a reward to be able to come back and knit on this wonderful shawl again!

    1. isn't she a peach?!

      maybe we could see a progress photo of your copper wonder? I miss it ;)

    2. I'm planning to do an update when I'm done with 6 more rows...Soon!

  6. That sweater is too sweet for words! Love the color.
    I agree that little one needs a knit. What a cutie.
    You leaves with beads!!!!! Wow, looking beautiful.

    1. thanks, Andi ~ it's slow going adding the beads but it would probably go faster if I didn't stop every few rows and admire...do you ever do that? it takes me twice as long to knit the things I'm really loving because I still stop and gawk every 5 minutes like I did when I first started knitting and every new stitch was a 'wow, look what I can do' moment

      I'm so glad I still feel that way about knitting!

  7. i can't wait to see this finished melissa, it's absolutly gorgeous. darling baby sweater for neoma, she is adorable!

    1. thanks, Lori ~ glad you're still lurking to see what's happening even though you've finished!

  8. Silently not knitting away... at least not on LoG. I have not abandoned it, though; never fear. I also do not have second sock syndrome; I just don't believe in monogamy in sock knitting. Or knitting in general. :)

    I love your choice of beads. Nice touch, Mel! I don't think anyone can accuse you of copping out now!

    1. so this begs the question ~ just how many knits DO you have going at the same time, Mr Will?

      as far as socks ~ I have first sock syndrome :) (although hoping to remedy that this year, my goal is ONE PAIR, just one pair)

      I hope nobody thinks I copped out on LofG...still waiting for his highness Mr Snarky to weigh in though!

  9. It's always such a pleasure to pop in and see what everyone is doing. I'm so impressed. Love the sweater, Mel. Yummy color. Adding the beads to the table covering was a great idea. Can't wait to see the finished projects. Keep up the good work everyone. Maybe one day I will get brave and join in.

    1. you should join in, Penny ~ you have more ability than you give yourself credit for! it would be fun, too !!
